il Tacco di Bacco
Oggi è lunedì 17 marzo 2025!

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via lupoli, nei pressi del muraglione

GPS 40,46710 N 17,26180 E



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Cerca gli spettacoli online e vivili offline. Il Tacco di Bacco è uno strumento pensato per migliorare la qualità della nostra vita: un'esistenza piena si basa su connessioni autentiche, che crediamo nascano solo nel mondo reale. Per questo abbiamo creato un'agenda che orienta, non una community che trattiene. Noi vi diamo il mezzo, voi trovate il fine.

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  • infoarray:1 [ "App->render > $this" => TdB\Core\App {#68 +tdbContext: TdB_Context {#39 +reg:...
array:3 [ "reg" => "puglia" "md" => "cnt" "id_contatto" => "345" ]
array:7 [ "view" => "standard" "dintorni" => 20 "location_address" => "In centro" "location_...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM rubriche ORDER by des_rubrica" "OK" => 0.00010991096496582 ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM attributi ORDER BY des_attributo" "OK" => 0.0002031326293945...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT id_attributo\n FROM attributi\n WHERE ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT DISTINCT id_attributo, 1 AS numero\n FROM loc...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT * FROM banners\n WHERE inizio...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM posizioni WHERE backup <> '' " "OK" => 7.7962875366211E-5 ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT c.* FROM localita c WHERE c.ab_primapagina = 1 AND regione = 'PUG' ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT locali.*,r.comune, r.regione,r.prov, r.id_padre,, s.comun...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM locali_links WHERE id_locale = '345' " "OK" => 4.41074371337...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM locali_pagine WHERE id_locale = '345' AND stato_pagina = 2 ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(*) as totale FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale = '345'\n ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT recensioni.*,utenti.username as user, utenti.img_utente,utenti...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(*) AS totale\n FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti\n IN...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(*) AS totale\n FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti\n IN...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(*) AS totale\n FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti\n IN...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(*) AS totale\n FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti\n IN...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(*) AS totale\n FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti\n IN...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(id_evento) AS numero FROM eventi\n \t\t\t\tWHERE eve...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT * FROM eventi\n \t\t\t\tWHERE id_locale='345'\n \t\t\t...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(id_follower) AS numero\n FROM locali_followe...
    • criticalarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT locali.*, \n \t\t(atan(\n \t\t\t-(\n \t\t\t(sin(4...
    26 statements were executed21.93ms441.41KB
    • 93μs17.02KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM rubriche ORDER by des_rubrica
    • 198μs17.53KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM attributi ORDER BY des_attributo
    • 66μs16.87KB0PDO_TdBSELECT id_attributo FROM attributi WHERE attributi.sel_attributo = 'evento' ORDER BY des_attributo
    • 42μs16.89KB0PDO_TdBSELECT DISTINCT id_attributo, 1 AS numero FROM locali INNER JOIN locali_attributi ON locali.id_locale = locali_attributi.id_locale WHERE locali.stato_locale = 'attivo' AND locali.loc_locale = 12851
    • 2.06ms17.3KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM banners WHERE inizio_banner <= CURRENT_DATE AND fine_banner >= CURRENT_DATE AND stato_banner = 1 AND (sig_prov_banner = 'TA' OR num_copertura='100') AND (regione_banner = 'PUG' OR regione_banner = 'all' ) ORDER BY pos_banner ASC
    • 73μs16.75KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM posizioni WHERE backup <> ''
    • 75μs17.53KB0PDO_TdBSELECT c.* FROM localita c WHERE c.ab_primapagina = 1 AND regione = 'PUG' ORDER BY comune
    • 355μs18.07KB0PDO_TdBSELECT locali.*,r.comune, r.regione,r.prov, r.id_padre,, s.comune as comunita, r.url_localita, province.des_provincia FROM locali INNER JOIN localita r ON loc_locale = LEFT JOIN localita s ON r.id_padre = LEFT JOIN province ON r.prov = province.cod_provincia WHERE id_locale = '345'
    • 42μs16.58KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM locali_links WHERE id_locale = '345'
    • 73μs16.9KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM locali_pagine WHERE id_locale = '345' AND stato_pagina = 2 ORDER BY data_scadenza_pagina DESC
    • 36μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(*) as totale FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale = '345' AND stato_recens = 'attiva'
    • 520μs17.19KB0PDO_TdBSELECT recensioni.*,utenti.username as user, utenti.img_utente,utenti.des_ente, utenti.classe_recensore FROM recensioni INNER JOIN utenti ON recensioni.created_by = utenti.id_utente WHERE recensioni.id_locale='345' AND stato_recens = 'attiva' AND id_stato_utente = '1' ORDER BY lastupdate DESC LIMIT 0,5
    • 69μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(*) AS totale FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale>0 AND created_by = '2678' AND stato_recens = 'attiva '
    • 235μs16.92KB0PDO_TdBSELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti INNER JOIN utenti ON commenti.created_by = utenti.id_utente WHERE id_recens = 16731 AND cancellato = 0 ORDER BY data_commento ASC
    • 44μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(*) AS totale FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale>0 AND created_by = '5281' AND stato_recens = 'attiva '
    • 284μs16.92KB0PDO_TdBSELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti INNER JOIN utenti ON commenti.created_by = utenti.id_utente WHERE id_recens = 12907 AND cancellato = 0 ORDER BY data_commento ASC
    • 216μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(*) AS totale FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale>0 AND created_by = '8452' AND stato_recens = 'attiva '
    • 296μs16.92KB0PDO_TdBSELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti INNER JOIN utenti ON commenti.created_by = utenti.id_utente WHERE id_recens = 11721 AND cancellato = 0 ORDER BY data_commento ASC
    • 75μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(*) AS totale FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale>0 AND created_by = '6143' AND stato_recens = 'attiva '
    • 253μs16.92KB0PDO_TdBSELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti INNER JOIN utenti ON commenti.created_by = utenti.id_utente WHERE id_recens = 9422 AND cancellato = 0 ORDER BY data_commento ASC
    • 44μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(*) AS totale FROM recensioni WHERE id_locale>0 AND created_by = '3871' AND stato_recens = 'attiva '
    • 276μs16.92KB0PDO_TdBSELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti INNER JOIN utenti ON commenti.created_by = utenti.id_utente WHERE id_recens = 6409 AND cancellato = 0 ORDER BY data_commento ASC
    • 329μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(id_evento) AS numero FROM eventi WHERE eventi.id_locale='345' AND (data_scadenza >= '2025-03-17') AND stato_evento = 'attivo'
    • 314μs17.66KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM eventi WHERE id_locale='345' AND (data_scadenza >= '2025-03-17') AND stato_evento = 'attivo' ORDER BY data_evento ASC
    • 72μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(id_follower) AS numero FROM locali_followers WHERE id_locale = '345'
    • 15.78ms17.96KB0PDO_TdB SELECT locali.*, (atan( -( (sin(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*sin(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) + ((cos(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*cos(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) * (cos((17.261800765991*(pi()/180))-(long_locale*(pi()/180))))) ) / sqrt(-( (sin(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*sin(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) + ((cos(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*cos(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) * (cos((17.261800765991*(pi()/180))-(long_locale*(pi()/180))))) ) * ( (sin(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*sin(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) + ((cos(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*cos(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) * (cos((17.261800765991*(pi()/180))-(long_locale*(pi()/180))))) )+1 ) ) + 2 * atan(1)) * 3437.74677 * 1.1508 * 1.6093470878864446 AS distanza_km FROM locali WHERE lat_locale IS NOT NULL AND (atan( -( (sin(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*sin(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) + ((cos(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*cos(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) * (cos((17.261800765991*(pi()/180))-(long_locale*(pi()/180))))) ) / sqrt(-( (sin(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*sin(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) + ((cos(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*cos(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) * (cos((17.261800765991*(pi()/180))-(long_locale*(pi()/180))))) ) * ( (sin(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*sin(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) + ((cos(40.467098236084*(pi()/180))*cos(lat_locale*(pi()/180))) * (cos((17.261800765991*(pi()/180))-(long_locale*(pi()/180))))) )+1 ) ) + 2 * atan(1)) * 3437.74677 * 1.1508 * 1.6093470878864446 < 12 AND stato_locale = 'attivo' AND id_locale <> 345 ORDER BY distanza_km ASC LIMIT 9