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Today is thursday march 13 2025!

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Fabri Fibra torna sul palco: live per "Sotto il Vulcano Fest"
Monday july 7 2025
Fabri Fibra torna sul palco: live per "Sotto il Vulcano Fest"

Monday march 31 2025

Morad in tour
Tuesday june 10 2025
Morad in tour


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  • infoarray:1 [ "App->render > $this" => TdB\Core\App {#68 +tdbContext: TdB_Context {#39 +reg:...
  • infoarray:1 [ "TdB_Evento > $this" => TdB_Evento {#109 +tdbContext: TdB_Context {#39 +reg: "...
array:3 [ "reg" => "en/lazio" "md" => "evt" "id_evento" => "289538" ]
array:7 [ "view" => "standard" "dintorni" => 20 "location_address" => "In centro" "location_...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM rubriche ORDER by des_rubrica" "OK" => 8.6069107055664E-5 ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM attributi ORDER BY des_attributo" "OK" => 6.3180923461914E-5...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT id_attributo\n FROM attributi\n WHERE ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT DISTINCT id_attributo, 1 AS numero\n FROM loc...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT * FROM banners\n WHERE inizio...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM posizioni WHERE backup <> '' " "OK" => 4.2200088500977E-5 ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT c.* FROM localita c WHERE c.ab_primapagina = 1 AND regione = 'LAZ' ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT eventi.*, locali.*, r.comune,r.url_localita, r.regione,r.prov,...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ UPDATE eventi_contatore SET contatore = contatore + 1\n ...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT contatore FROM eventi_contatore WHERE id_evento = '289538' " "OK" =...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => "SELECT * FROM utenti WHERE id_utente = '24691'" "OK" => 0.0002670288085937...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(id_follower) AS numero\n FROM eventi_followe...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT * FROM utenti\n INNER JOIN eventi_artisti ON utent...
    • logarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti\n I...
    • criticalarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT *\n FROM eventi INNER JOIN localita ON locali...
    • criticalarray:3 [ "Query" => """ SELECT COUNT(*) as numero, MONTH(data_evento) as mese,\n ...
    16 statements were executed51.07ms292.9KB
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    • 58μs17.53KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM attributi ORDER BY des_attributo
    • 36μs16.87KB0PDO_TdBSELECT id_attributo FROM attributi WHERE attributi.sel_attributo = 'evento' ORDER BY des_attributo
    • 34μs16.83KB0PDO_TdBSELECT DISTINCT id_attributo, 1 AS numero FROM locali INNER JOIN locali_attributi ON locali.id_locale = locali_attributi.id_locale WHERE locali.stato_locale = 'attivo' AND locali.loc_locale = 14513
    • 1.47ms17.28KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM banners WHERE inizio_banner <= CURRENT_DATE AND fine_banner >= CURRENT_DATE AND stato_banner = 1 AND (sig_prov_banner = 'RM' OR num_copertura='100') AND (regione_banner = 'LAZ' OR regione_banner = 'all' ) ORDER BY pos_banner ASC
    • 39μs16.75KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM posizioni WHERE backup <> ''
    • 37μs17.17KB0PDO_TdBSELECT c.* FROM localita c WHERE c.ab_primapagina = 1 AND regione = 'LAZ' ORDER BY comune
    • 1.58ms35.47KB0PDO_TdBSELECT eventi.*, locali.*, r.comune,r.url_localita, r.regione,r.prov, r.id_padre, s.comune as comunita, utenti.img_utente,, utenti.des_ente, utenti.ruolo as ruolo_utente, eventi.created_by FROM eventi INNER JOIN localita r ON eventi.id_localita = LEFT JOIN locali ON locali.id_locale = eventi.id_locale LEFT JOIN localita s ON = r.id_padre LEFT JOIN utenti ON eventi.id_utente = utenti.id_utente WHERE id_evento = '289538'
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    • 136μs16.52KB0PDO_TdBSELECT contatore FROM eventi_contatore WHERE id_evento = '289538'
    • 262μs17.97KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM utenti WHERE id_utente = '24691'
    • 182μs16.57KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(id_follower) AS numero FROM eventi_followers WHERE id_evento = '289538'
    • 1.02ms18.24KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM utenti INNER JOIN eventi_artisti ON utenti.id_utente = eventi_artisti.id_artista WHERE eventi_artisti.id_evento = 289538
    • 734μs16.92KB0PDO_TdBSELECT commenti.*, utenti.des_ente FROM commenti INNER JOIN utenti ON commenti.created_by = utenti.id_utente WHERE id_evento = 289538 AND cancellato = 0 ORDER BY data_commento ASC
    • 24ms34.38KB0PDO_TdBSELECT * FROM eventi INNER JOIN localita ON = eventi.id_localita WHERE data_scadenza >= CURRENT_DATE AND stato_evento = 'attivo' AND id_spettacolo IS NULL AND FIND_IN_SET('7',attrib_evento)>0 AND eventi.id_evento <> '289538' AND localita.regione = 'LAZ' AND priorita_evento IN (0,1,3) ORDER BY priorita_evento+(RAND()*4) DESC, data_evento ASC LIMIT 3
    • 21.09ms16.8KB0PDO_TdBSELECT COUNT(*) as numero, MONTH(data_evento) as mese, YEAR(data_evento) as anno FROM eventi INNER JOIN localita ON = eventi.id_localita WHERE stato_evento = 'attivo' AND id_spettacolo IS NULL AND data_evento >= CURRENT_DATE and regione = 'LAZ' GROUP BY mese, anno